Have you ever dreamt of being a superhero? Have you ever imagined flying, or having incredible powers to do incredible things? The answer is probably yes. Getting our bodies to do extraordinary things beyond our imagination. Well, he hasn’t yet flown, but what he teaches could be the closest we can get to having real

Tess Talks live events are currently on hold but you can still be part of the Tess Talks journey by tuning in to our weekly new podcast episodes! Launching June 2024.
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Why I Love Juice Fasting
Back in the 80’s when my dad was a full flying, surfy, veggie eating hippy, he completed many juice detoxes. His lasting for up to six days. There was no luxury of fresh pre-bottled juices, just a good old fashion juicer and some fresh fruit and veg from the garden.…
Where Dreams are made...
Did you know that out of all the rooms in your house, most of us spend the most time in our bedroom. There’s no doubt 2020 has added to these hours! We also know that approximately 1/3 of our life is spent in bed, so with all this time spent in…
Fave Docos of the Moment
Posted by Tess Shanahan
When was the last time you stopped and took a few deep breaths? Was it because you were stressed, worried or anxious about something? Maybe it was because you had run up the stairs too fast… Have you ever stopped longer than those few deep breaths, long enough to completely clear your mind? In today’s
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Tess Talks
Igniting curiosity in you. A personal blog, vlog and series of live events in Australia.
Founded and created by Tess Shanahan, a Melbourne based model, businesswoman and presenter.
Tess Shanahan